Andrew Jose: Confidence and Good Decisions Are Key When Working with Celebrities

Andrew Jose is a name that resonates on the global stage when it comes to hairdressing industry. With a career spanning nearly half a century, Jose is not just a hairdresser—he’s an educator, innovator, and one of the leaders in the British hairdressing industry. He has worked with major stars, from Gwyneth Paltrow and David Bowie to Naomi Campbell and Vivienne Westwood. His salon and academy in London’s West End are not just places where new trends are created; they are also hubs of creative energy, where Jose and his dedicated team constantly push boundaries.

As part of the upcoming Kaleidoscope of Culture and the Applied Arts Week, he will present Inside Out on 6 September at 7 p.m. at the Menza facility, showcasing the process of creating theatrical hairstyles and makeup. Visitors can also expect the Modern Tribes performance, which combines set design, costume design, videography, visual effects, dance movements, stage makeup, and hairstyles into a unique stage experience, on 7 September at 8:30 p.m. in the District.

Despite being busy with preparations for his appearance at the Kaleidoscope of Culture in Novi Sad, Andrew Jose found time for a brief interview with Visit District. In this conversation with the visionary, we touched on the secrets of his success, recognizing the potential of new techniques and tools, and the future of the hairdressing profession.

As a pioneer of many trends in the hairdressing industry, how do you recognize the potential of new techniques and tools, and how do you decide which trends are worth developing and following?

I don’t really have a process as such it is really dead lines of the coming seasons that drives the process of creation and change -you gather information constantly.

During your long career, which spans nearly half a century, you have worked on all continents. How do you manage to maintain enthusiasm and innovation in an industry that is constantly changing?

I am naturally enthusiastic and positive and find tomorrow exciting as it is to come. I have a view on how this should be and have a great team who are experimenting and going in new areas.

Your team has been responsible for working on the hairstyles of many celebrities, including David Bowie and Gwyneth Paltrow. How do you adapt your creative process when working with different personalities in the entertainment industry?

When working with celebrities it is in many ways as with every client although often the personalities of successful entertainers can be very strong. So confidence is important and making good choices.

You have worked on some of the most prestigious fashion events, such as London Fashion Week. How do you balance the high demands of fashion designers with your own creative ideas?

Fashion is either about blending in with the designers idea for their collection or creating something that is so contrasting it brings huge attention to the cloths. There are no firm rules however the stronger the collection the more freedom we have with the hair.

Kaleidoscope of Culture is a unique event that celebrates five types of art—architecture, literature, applied arts, performing arts, and visual arts—during five weeks. What do you think of this concept?

I love it’s modern approach of celebrating the applied art, and freedom we are given to express ourselves. We are so excited to join.

At the upcoming Kaleidoscope of Culture in Novi Sad, you and your team will demonstrate how a stage artwork is created through makeup and hair. How do you choose inspiration for stage creations, and how do makeup and hair contribute to creating a unique artistic expression in your work?

We are using three themes: geometric folk and dream creating a fantasy of these and presenting through movement.

Your team consists of an international group of experts from various fields. How do you manage to coordinate and inspire such a diverse team, especially in the context of an event like the Kaleidoscope of Culture?

We are a team of people some of which work independently but come together around projects we appreciate each other and celebrate our individual talents and enjoy working together. Different nationalities enriches this.

What is next in the career of Andrew Jose, and how do you see the future of the hairdressing profession?

You never know, which is why it is such fun!

Author: Marina Marić

Photo: privatna arhiva

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