Novi Sad Cultural Centres as places of education and art

How well do you know the cultural centres in the city? Can you name five off the top of your head, and what do you know about the content they offer? If you are curious and interested in how artists and your fellow citizens think, cultural centres are one of the unavoidable stops to spend your free time. The Schools of the Future as an accompanying programme of the European Capital of Culture turns actual schools as well as cultural centres into new places for learning. Today we take you through the cultural centres in Novi Sad, and we suggest you follow the calendar on our website and keep up to date with events in Novi Sad, but also those within the ECOC programme, which will enrich, inspire you, or make you think – or merely entertain you.

Cultural Centre of Novi Sad

5 Katolička Porta

When we talk about the cultural centres of Novi Sad, it is necessary to start with the biggest and the oldest one with the simplest name. CCNS is a cultural institution that has existed for more than half a century, and in that period, it grew and remained in step with the demands of the modern residents of Novi Sad. In the 1950s, the Youth Forum and the Youth Cultural Centre ‘Sonja Marinković’ acted as forerunners of today’s Cultural Centre. At that time, these institutions mustered the most important names from the world of art in SFR Yugoslavia, especially literature.

The magazine for literature and theory ‘Polja’ has been published by CCNS since 1955, and today it is an acclaimed and respected magazine in which many writers make their first professional steps. Today’s Cultural Centre of Novi Sad offers various programmes to the public – literary, art, music, film, theatre… In addition, CCNS is credited with founding several large and important festivals: INFANT – International Festival of Alternative and New Theatre, Novi Sad Jazz Festival, Prosefest, Festival of the European and Independent Film – Euro In Film, Antić Days Festival, and others.

Stay up to date with what CCNS has to offer every week on the website, or, even better, subscribe to their newsletter so you don’t miss any of the great events. Also, keep in mind that CCNS has several venues so make sure you don’t ‘miss’ an event – and follow the activities in the Youth Forum Club, the Great Hall, the Small Art Salon and Art Salon, as well as the American Corner.

Don’t miss the play The Noise of the Silence, which you can watch online at CCNS tonight at 6 p.m. as part of the Eye Net 2.0 theatre festival.

SCCNS Fabrika

5 Despota Stefana Boulevard

The popular Fabrika is part of the Student Cultural Centre Novi Sad. SCCNS has its literary, theatrical, musical and artistic activities, as well as several important events: Rhythm of Europe, Novi Sad Comic Weekend, UPAD (Invasion) Theatre Festival, Tanz Platz Contemporary Dance Festival… You can see the performances of various domestic theatres organised by SCCNS, as well as their own plays in collaboration with formal and informal theatre troupes, exhibitions of the Academy of Arts students, and other projects in cooperation with art associations from Serbia and abroad. Maybe you have already enjoyed a literary forum or a promotion of a book, a magazine, or a comic book by a budding artist or an already established writer, all organised by SCCNS, or at a concert of Academy of Arts students, or an emerging rock band.

However, what SCCNS is perhaps most known for are its two venues: Fabrika and Brod Teatar. Fabrika has a large space that provides opportunities for transformation and adaptation, which makes it the only such space in the city, while Brod Teatar is a ‘floating cultural centre on the water’, as they call it. Thanks to SCCNS, you can follow various cultural programmes – concerts, exhibitions, workshops, bazaars, plays… in two unusual and interesting environments. Did you know that Brod Teatar participated in several European projects, sailing on the Danube and visiting cities on its shores? Take advantage of it being anchored in the city because this way the programmes can be followed by up to 800 spectators from the shore.

Stay up to date with the SCCNS events on their website or Facebook page, and follow our calendar on the site, because Fabrika, as well as the entire Creative District, will be a meeting place for different cultures and artists as part of the Flags of the Future programme held from 28 to 30 April.

Kreativni distrikt

Cultural Centre

4 Ignjata Pavlasa Street

Novi Sad used to have a ‘real’ Cultural Centre near the Youth Theatre. This space reopened its doors after renovation in 2019, with new space and new programmes. Although it was founded by people already known for operating several interesting rock music venues in the city, the name Cultural Centre is more than a jest, although great attention is paid to concerts and parties. Various events such as theatre performances and performances by stand-up comedians are also organized here, and you can always grab a snack and a drink. Follow the events in the Cultural Centre on their Facebook page.

As part of the accompanying programme of the European Capital of Culture, a concert by Marčelo with the band will be held tonight at 10 p.m. in the Cultural Centre as part of the Youth Singer-Songwriter Festival. We recently spoke with this artist, and you can read the interview on our website.

Network of Cultural Stations

Perhaps we could say that Novi Sad has grown and flourished a bit with the opening of the network of cultural stations on the eve of the ECOC title year. These renovated spaces for culture in Novi Sad are playing with the idea of what culture is and who it’s for, and they are successfully redefining it, succeeding in reaching more people, involving them in creating cultural content, as well as reviving city districts and ‘decentralising’ the city. Former factories, cultural centres and sports associations – and even a caravan – are becoming recognisable places where people meet and enjoy workshops, literary evenings, and educational content. Follow the rich programme on our site and sites of cultural stations, find the one closest to you or, even better, visit them all. The Schools of the Future programme brings us numerous debates, seminars, lectures, exhibitions, and workshops for young people, and we advise you not to miss the cultural content they bring you, such as Art in the Palm of Your Hand, Citizens Think, exhibitions Another view of the World, BiB workshop, etc.

CC Lab

2 Dr Hempta Street

If you find yourself in the neighbourhood, even if you don’t know what it is hiding, you must have noticed a house near Futoški Park which simply invites you to pay attention to its mural. A few years ago, the LAB Cultural Centre was established in this modernist house, which is truly a modern laboratory and a space for experimentation. There is a coworking space, library, gallery space, studio, space for performances and concerts…

What can you find in CC Lab? A drag performance, exhibitions of resident artists, tattoo artists, programmes of students of the Academy of Music or comparative literature, panels, discussions, workshops… All in all, a colourful environment in which, as the owners say, many people wander – turns out, with a good reason. Follow the activities of CC LAB on Facebook.

Youth Centre CK13

13 Vojvode Bojovića Street

Youth Center CK13 is better known to everyone simply as the Black House. This alternative and educational space is a youth centre in the sense that, through its cultural and other contents, it is intended to encourage and develop social engagement and political activism of young people. Feeling the lack of cultural spaces intended for young people that would meet their needs, the founders of the Black House – three independent organisations from Novi Sad, Kružok, AKO – Alternative Cultural Organisation, and the New Media – set about building this space for public discussions, research projects, concerts, workshops, lectures, and independent publishing. Exhibitions, film screenings, concerts, forums and discussions are just some of the programmes of the Black House, so don’t forget to follow their website or Facebook page.

Author: Tihana Smiljanić

Photo: Jelena Ivanović, Vladimir Veličković

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