Centuries-Old Giants of Novi Sad: Monuments of Nature and Witnesses of History

Church of the Name of Mary, Obermiller’s butcher store, Derner’s glass shop, Grossinger’s pharmacy, the famous men’s fashion shop Kertes, the tram stop – once, the centre of Novi Sad was known for these places. We learn about them today from history books and old photographs, but there are ‘residents’ of Novi Sad who witnessed life in the city hundreds of years ago, and even today they adorn the streets of Novi Sad.

Mediterranean hackberry has been watching Modena Street for over 120 years

The age of the Mediterranean hackberry, which is located in the centre of Novi Sad in Modena Street, is estimated to be over 120 years. This is the only remaining tree from the former tree line that stretched along Ilije Ognajnovića Street and is considered the most beautiful tree in Novi Sad and in general; it’s a special, exceptional specimen of its kind. Its crown is formed by nine basic branches, which rise from the trunk in a regular arrangement, forming with the side branches and twigs a perfectly spherical shape of the crown with a slightly raised top. Such an arrangement also forms a regular shape inside the crown, so that even without leaves, during the winter, it has an extraordinary aesthetic appearance. It is 15 meters tall, while the diametre of its rich crown is 18,5 metres. This symbol of Novi Sad is a natural monument of the first category of protection since 1978. Mediterranean hackberry can reach the age of up to 600 years, so this old ‘citizen’ of Novi Sad will surely celebrate many more anniversaries!

Two-Century-Old ‘Čenejac’

The most famous and oldest inhabitant of Čenej is certainly the mulberry, which is considered to be as old as 210 years. It lives in the yard of the Kuzmanović family and is one of the oldest living representatives of the species. Due to its ID card, it was declared a natural monument of the third category in 1985. This old guardian is 16 meters tall, and with a canopy of 17 metres, it is a real refreshment for many guests of Čenej, providing them with peace and thick shade.

Novi Sad Plan Tree and Sycamore from Futog Are 140 Years Old

Healthy, vital and very fruitful, the plan tree in Novi Sad is located in Futoška Street, near the barracks of Dr. Archibald Reiss and was protected in 1978. It is special for its beautifully formed spherical crown, which is built by seven main branches, and is as tall as 25 metres. Its age is estimated at about 140 years, and the same number of years has the Sycamore, which is located in Futog, in the yard of the Agricultural School. It has been protected as a cultural monument since 1974 and is a very rare example of this species. Beautiful, tall and of a special posture, and also surrounded by young people every day, it will undoubtedly be considered the most handsome representative of Futog for a long time to come.

Plane Tree, Common Oak, Ginkgo – Novi Sad Centenarians

The hundred-year-old plane tree is located in the yard of the ‘Miloš Crnjanski’ Elementary School. This natural monument stands out for its beauty and impressiveness, which is why it has been ruling the school yard for years and certainly deserves special protection.

Authenticity, autochthony, age, dimensions and preservation characterize the sycamore peer, the common oak. It is 26 metres tall, and the canopy diametre is as much as 28 metres. This long-lived tree is located on the Petrovaradin Fortress and it is estimated that it can live up to 2000 years, so it will delight visitors as an attraction for many years to come.

The ginkgo tree at the Park Hotel in Novi Sad is also characterized by representativeness, uniqueness, landscape attractiveness, age and preservation. It is a male specimen, of good vitality and is one of the best-preserved specimens of this species in Novi Sad. A century long lifespan makes it a natural monument since 2019.

There are even two old-age monuments of nature in Mike Antića Street

The yew tree in one of the most beautiful streets in the centre of Novi Sad has been there for almost 100 years and is certainly, in addition to museums, galleries and high schools, a representative of this part of the city. It is described by its beauty, authenticity and preservation, and in 2019 it became a natural monument.

Further along the same street, in front of the Rajko Mamuzić Gift Collection, another Mediterranean hackberry has been living for almost 90 years. It is 21 metres tall and with its 22 metres canopy, it is a real pleasure for everyone who passes along there.

Gradsko Zelenilo takes care of these beautiful and important giants, trying to provide them with protection and adequate care. Therefore, it seems that all of them will be silent witnesses of life in Serbian Athens for centuries.

Author: Gala Gajin
Photo: Uroš Dožić, Jelena Ivanović

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