The Streets of Novi Sad: The ‘Prof. Živojin Ćulum’ Student Dormitory

He was one of the founders of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, the first person in Serbia to start doing research on solar energy and he also tried to popularize science, while his students remember him for his interesting way of teaching.

Both Serbian science and the Novi Sad academia are indebted to professor Živojin Ćulum who enormously contributed to several branches of science. The student dormitory at the site of the Great Liman, on the Despot Stefan Boulevard in the vicinity of the Czech Magazine, bears his name.

The first-class student dormitory Prof. Živojin Ćulum was built in 1987, while the bed capacity is 372. It has a few reading rooms and a few study rooms, as well as two music halls with pianos in each. Students also call this dorm the ‘Dorm A.’

Studentski dom Živojin Ćulum

In addition to the student dormitory, one street in Klisa also bears the name of professor Živojin Ćulum.

Živojin was a big expert in the field of mathematics and physics. He was respected for his pedagogical approach as well. He was dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, president of the Society of Mathematicians, Physicians and Astronomers of Vojvodina, whose works on solar energy are among the first ones in the country.

Since 1993, the Faculty of Technical Sciences has been organizing a manifestation called ‘Ćulumovi dani’ (en. Ćulum’s Days) in honour of Živojin’s birthday on 8 November. The goal of this manifestation is to continue spreading his idea and his mission of science becoming more understandable and closer to each individual.

Professor Ilija Ćosić probably described Živojin best by saying: ‘He could explain the most difficult things in the simplest ways possible.’

Author: Milana Milovanov
Photo: Uroš Dožić

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