Don’t Miss Out on the Museums for 10 in Novi Sad

The ‘Museums for 10’ initiative will be held across 50 countries, among which are Novi Sad and its distinguished museums, and other cultural institutions as well. Following the slogan of the Future of Museums: new ideas, new practices, a couple of important dates will be marked within this initiative: The 17th European Night of Museums, International Museum Day and National Museum Week.

We bring you some of the most interesting programmes that you’ll have a chance to visit during the following seven days in Novi Sad, from 12 to 18 May.

Mlin Cultural Station Celebrates Creativity of the Youngest Ones

Part of the network of cultural stations that gave new energy to the former pasta factory, today is a place where culture grows, continuing where the Novi Sad Children’s Cultural Centre left off. The ‘Museums for 10’ brings the ‘Old Crafts for the 21st Century’ programme to the Mlin Cultural Station, a programme encompassing the exhibition of children’s artworks on old crafts, as well as an art and educational workshop for kids.

The Rhythm of Mass and Arabesque in the Gift Collection of Rajko Mamuzić

Rajko Mamuzić’s artwork collection represents a unique overview of Serbian art in the period after World War II. The gift collection offers a special programme, with the opening of the exhibition by Vladeta Petrić, The Rhythm of Mass and Arabesque, as its central part. The exhibition includes works of one of the most significant representatives of contemporary trends in sculpture on the Yugoslav art scene.

Diverse Programme in the Gallery of Matica Srpska

One of the richest art museums in the country, in addition to the inspiring exhibitions from the permanent collection, prepares a special programme within Museums for 10. We recommend a play ‘Two Women and One War’ that, following the destiny of two women, speaks of friendship between Serbian and American people during the Great War.

Film and Painting at the Museum of the City of Novi Sad

Thanks to its permanent exhibitions, the Museum of the City of Novi Sad at the Petrovaradin Fortress, as well as Foreign Art Collection in Dunavska Street and Hometown Collection in Sremski Karlovci, are people’s favourite places to visit. During the Museums for 10 programme, a special exhibition titled ‘Shadows of the Memories of Lazar Đember,’ within the Foreign Art Collection, which brings an extraordinary junction of film and painting, will be held.

A Concert and Virtual Tours in the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection

In addition to the rich permanent exhibition of the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection, as well as the special units and content dedicated to the blind and sand-blind, deaf and partially deaf persons, the museum will also prepare a special programme within Museums for 10. Among the interactive virtual tours and creative workshops for children, there’s also a concert ‘Snoviđenje’ – music night for the flute of Herman Beeftink performed by the Flart trio.

Besides these institutions, the Museum of Vojvodina, Archives of Vojvodina, Institute for Nature Conservation of Voivodina Province, the SASA Branch in Novi Sad as well as Association of Fine Art Artists of Novi Sad will also provide interesting programmes within Museums for 10. Here, you can find out about the ongoing events.

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