Artworks in the First Open-Air Gallery


Suba’s Plateau in Liman Park is becoming the first outdoor gallery, where the exhibition of artistic flags MigrArt will be opened on Sunday, 20 March, at 11 a.m. This never-before-seen unique exhibition in Novi Sad will include works by contemporary artists from five European Capitals of Culture, and their artworks on the theme of migrations will be depicted on the flags on as many as 49 masts, 8 meters high.

On this occasion, the Novi Sad audience will get to see artists from previous, current, and future European Capitals of Culture:  Réka Huszár (Hungary, Veszprém 2023), Alain Welter (Luxembourg, Esch 2022), Marina Milanović (Serbia), Alena Klaćikova (Serbia), Danijel Babić (Serbia), Are Andreassen (Norway, Bodø 2024), Leo Kirinčić (Croatia, Rijeka 2020).

After the opening of the exhibition in the Liman Cultural Station at noon, a public talk with artists will be organised. The moderator of the event will be the director of the Bel Art Gallery, Vesna Latinović. The exhibition is a part of the Migrations programme arch, which has been exploring the topic of migrations for almost two months, through different types of art.

This open-air exhibition will be held on Suba’s Plateau, which is dedicated to the pioneer of electronic music in this area and in Latin America – Mitar Subotić Suba. You can read a text about his artistic work and the development of electronic music in this area on our website.

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