Museums Are Calling You This Weekend

The days ahead in Novi Sad are bringing us many interesting events, so we have singled out several exhibitions and performances that are worth visiting in the European Capital of Culture. In addition, we have a suggestion on how to use the nice weather in your favour and enjoy outdoor activities near Novi Sad.

Museums Are Opening Their Doors!

Take advantage of the nice weather this weekend and head to one of the exhibitions that will be organised as part of the Museums For 10 event, which marks the European Night of Museums. This event will last from 14 to 20 May, and admission will be free. Here are our suggestions.

On Saturday, visit one of the many exhibitions in the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection that are being held because of this event. The digital exhibition Heroines of My Life is a video exhibition that will be exclusively presented on this occasion at 10 a.m. and is intended for the audience on social media networks. Then, from 11 a.m., you will find an exhibition of children’s works In the Rhythm of the Museum intended for the preschool age group, which was designed to mark the 130th anniversary of the birth of Pavle Beljanski. What will be especially interesting for visitors is the pre-premiere of the museum play Bohemians of Montparnasse, starting at 5 p.m., performed by the ‘Mišolovka’ Youth Theatre. A collage of scenes from the life of Sava Šumanović during his stay in Paris in the 1920s will be shown. And for history lovers, we propose the lecture The Heroines of Pavle Beljanski as Fashion Icons, which will be held by Stefan Žarić, fashion historian, at 7 p.m., guided by notes from Griselda Pollock and Vanessa Friedman, focusing not only on artists present in Beljanski’s collection but also on women of different epochs and professions, who affirmed the space of the museum with their appearances and work arrangements.

We also suggest that you visit the opening of the exhibition Shadows of Memories at the Foreign Art Collection, by Lazar Đember, on Saturday at noon. Around 30 portraits of our famous artists will be exhibited at the exhibition.

And if you are already in the city centre, be sure to stop by the Museum of Vojvodina in Dunavska Street in the evening, because a rich cultural programme awaits you there as well. If you have not had the opportunity to visit the exhibition Where Migrations Ends, within the Migration programme, by Tijana Stanković Pešterac, make sure to catch the guided tour by the author at 10 p.m.

Gallery of Matica Srpska is also preparing a great programme for both children and adults, so we advise you to take your kids to a classical music concert on Saturday (at 11.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m.), and to visit the exhibition The Citizens of Novi Sad Choose in the afternoon (guided tour by the author is scheduled for 6 and 7 p.m.). After the exhibition, a performance by Aleksandar Dujin awaits you, from 8 p.m. The week is reserved for the youth, so read more about the programme on the Gallery of Matica Srpska’s website.

Theatre Plays

Friday: If you are in Novi Sad, you should watch the play Blind Spot, which will be held on 13 May at 7.30 p.m. at the Serbian National Theatre. A combination of three analytical tragedies that have a common denominator of families or returning home, namely The Bacchae, Antigone, and Oedipus Rex.

Saturday: Opera lovers should not miss the premiere of the ballet Anna Karenina, which will be held on 14 May at 7 p.m. at the Serbian National Theatre. A story of love, pain, suffering, struggle, and resignation so strong that they are being retold for generations.

Foto: Vladimir Veličković/SNP

Sunday: Watch the premiere of the play Metamorphosis, starting at 7.30 p.m., at the Youth Theatre as part of the Novi Sad Theatre Festival. The play by director Saša Latinović will show us all the sacrifices that great love is ready for, but also what kind of crimes those whose expectations were betrayed are capable of.

City Escape: Visit the Celtic Village in Inđija

The weekend is perfect to enjoy your time with the children, so we suggest you leave the city this weekend and take the children to the Celtic village near Inđija. The tourist complex is located in the sports and recreational zone of Inđija and was inspired by the life of the Celts in this area about 2300 years ago. Throughout the day on Sunday, 15 May, programmes, children’s performances, mini-concerts, and an educational music corner will be organised. Visitors can also take part in numerous workshops, such as making Celtic clay pottery, kneading, and baking Celtic bread, as well as many other activities that can be seen at the link. A mini-museum with interesting exhibits is located in one of the Celtic houses, so we advise you to visit it.

Foto: FB/Keltsko selo

Author: Anđela Dalmacija

Photo: Prom

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