On the site of the current Rumenka Cultural Station, the Cultural Centre was first established on 24 February 2017, and after more than a decade, it was the first cultural institution established on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
When Novi Sad won the prestigious title of European Capital of Culture, emphasis was placed on the decentralization of culture and cultural contents, thus the idea of forming cultural stations followed. The Cultural Centre, and then the Rumenka Cultural Station, were created in a place that older residents remember as a cinema.
– We practically revived the old space and it is a beautiful story – says the director of the Rumenka Culture Station Olja Maglovski. CS Rumenka means a lot to the local population, but also to Novi Sad. By enriching cultural content, people have the opportunity to see, experience and learn many beautiful things, as well as to be active participants. We have programmes for both children and adults, they are free, so that they can, in accordance with their obligations, affinities and opportunities, spend quality free time. We have a nice cooperation with the Sveti Sava Elementary School and the Veseli Patuljci kindergarten, so children like to come to our workshops and theatre performances. We also cooperate well with the local community, so last year, as part of the Kaleidoscope of Culture, in the courtyard of the local community, we implemented the Novi Sad Bohemian Evening programme.

Networking Is the Basis of Everything and the Legacy of the European Capital of Culture
Olja Maglovski believes, as a legacy of the European Capital of Culture, that we should recognize the fact that networking is the basis of everything.
– We have to cooperate in terms of identity, programming, environment. It is the basis of everything and a good cooperation. That is why we function so well in the Network of cultural stations – everyone has an idea, contributes and suggests something. The exchange of ideas and fellowship is the best possible contribution to the work. An individual cannot do much by himself.
What Makes the Rumenka Cultural Station Stand Out?
Openness, good cooperation with the local population, as well as with other institutions, diversity, wealth of programmes, sections adapted to different ages, etc. – all this makes the Rumenka Cultural Station special, Olja Maglovski believes.
– Yes, it is more oriented towards the local population, but we also have many visitors from the city, which we are very happy about, because Rumenka is the closest suburb to the city. Now, we have contents that attract the public and contribute to the quality of life of the local population.
International Programmes and Youth Interest
The Rumenka Cultural Station is an ideal space for a theatre programme, music and dance performance, as well as literary evenings and workshops.

– I think that this institution has been developed on good and healthy foundations – Olja Maglovski points out. The Rumenka Cultural Station was a partner in the international project Culture Up!, which is extremely important for a young institution. The essence of the project is the decentralization of culture and its development in non-urban areas and the periphery. The project was initiated by the Danish Central EU Office, and the participating countries, apart from Denmark, were Ireland, Finland, the Netherlands and Serbia, and on behalf of Serbia the Rumenka Cultural Station. We had the honour of hosting colleagues from abroad, and the project was very successful.
One of the extremely well-received events in the premises of the Rumenka Cultural Station is the international festival Do You Believe in Fairy Tales.
– With the festival, through a narrative form, inspired by the eternal struggle between good and evil, art and different types of art, we are trying, as a cultural station, to show the audience the beauty and our vision of a fairy tale – explains Olja Maglovski. The festival is a product of cooperation with the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture Foundation. The three key things of the cooperation are the mentioned project Culture Up!, the festival Do You Believe in Fairy Tales and the fact that we are part of a Network of cultural stations.
Given that the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture Foundation provides a chance for the development of the local art scene, gives space to lesser-known and still unknown artists to promote themselves and their creativity, CS Rumenka can boast of the fact that such a thing has been successfully achieved in their premises.
– The local population has definitely started to perceive the Rumenka Cultural Station as a place where they can assert themselves – confirms Olja Maglovski. I am especially glad that it is about young people who wish to assert themselves through the drama programme and literary evenings. For example, young Marko Poznanović from Rumenka acted in the play Drexlerovci, and recently, as part of the Cultural Summer in Rumenka event, the young poet from Rumenka Đorđe Popović presented his work. He published a collection of poems, Slika Sa Tvojim Likom. His poems are lyrical, inspired by his love for Rumenka, and his wife.
The Mission and Future of the Rumenka Cultural Station
Stepping onto the international cultural scene is certainly what reflects the mission and future of CS Rumenka, says Olja Maglovski.
– This happened thanks to the Culture Up! project and the Do You Believe in Fairy Tales festival, so we continue the trend, which is very important. It is important to be recognized locally, and even more importantly internationally. In cooperation with other institutions, the City Library in Novi Sad and other cultural stations, I think we can do a lot – concludes Olja Maglovski. Source: Dnevnik
Photo: ECoC