9 Spots in Novi Sad That Will Guarantee You Good Instagram Photos

Truth is, Instagram has influenced our lives quite a lot. It has been dictating where to travel, where to stay, what to eat or where to have coffee with friends. At the same time, it’s an excellent guide that can help us discover new amazing places.

In the second year of the coronavirus pandemic, when few people plan their vacations like they used to, we remind you of all the places that can make your Instagram and other social media accounts shine. Whether you’re a citizen of Novi Sad or a tourist, these are the places we recommend if you want to make some lovely photos!


We’ve already talked about the popular tram situated at the beginning of Kralja Aleksandra Street. You won’t find another tram in the city, except in the museum, so grab the opportunity to pose in front of it. Don’t forget to include some of the beautiful buildings surrounding the tram as well.

Fun fact: Trčika owes its name to the first Novi Sad tram that used to take citizens to the Štrand beach at the beginning of 20th century. It was a real attraction even back then.

The Bazar Balcony

The popular café Đardino found its place at the top of the popular shopping mall called ‘Bazar.’ If the weather is nice, you’ll enjoy a nice view of the Novi Sad roofs (with the Church of the Name of Mary, also known as the Cathedral, dominating the view). However, we have to admit, the roofs don’t look all that bad even when the sky is gloomy. Try it out!

Fun fact: Bazar, formerly called Stoteks, used to be the biggest department store in Novi Sad. A couple of years ago, it adorned the front page of the prestigious architectural magazine Piranesi.

Liberty Square

When you find yourself in the Liberty Square, you simply won’t know whether to take pictures of the Cathedral or the City Hall first. Try to experiment with camera angles and distances when taking pictures. Catch the colourful façades, a street vendor with the balloons or the one with magnets, snow lit by the street lamps or blooming flowers in the spring, all this with the famous buildings of the Square in the back.

Fun fact: In the past, the mysterious monument ‘Holy Trinity’ was located in the square. Rumor has it that it used to protect the citizens of Novi Sad from the plague. Read more about the monument here.

The Absolut Balcony / Zmaj Jovina Street

Zmaj Jovina Street is Novi Sad’s most beautiful street. And this is a well-deserved praise! Its colourful façades, decorated with Christmas lights during the winter, are just waiting to be photographed. You can take a picture of anything in this relatively short street and it will look stunning. If you want to have a photo taken from a different angle, go to the balcony of the café Absolut.

Fun fact: This street changed its name quite frequently: First it was called the Main Street, then Lajoša Košuta Street, while during the interwar period it was called Kralja Petra I Street. During the occupation period it was Mussolini’s Street and after the liberation it was called Maršala Tita Street. Today, it’s Zmaj Jovina Street. At the very end of the street, in front of the Bishop Palace, there’s a monument dedicated to the famous poet – Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, hence the name of the street.

Dunavska Street

Dunavska Street is quite short, but quite photogenic as well! For extraordinary photos, play with the angle shots at the very beginning of the street, i.e. at the end of Zmaj Jovina Street, and choose whether to photograph the street itself or to focus on the façades on one side or, maybe, try to ‘catch’ both left and right side. And if a busker’s balloon photobombs your picture, it’ll be even cooler!

Fun fact: At the White Lion is the oldest preserved house in Novi Sad, located at the beginning of Dunavska Street.

Newlyweds Square

The Newlyweds Square is ideal for taking photos of thanks to the arch that marks this square, surrounded by stunning buildings. The things you can photograph through this arch! You’ll turn into a real Uncle Bob. In addition to the façades and the sky, don’t forget to take some pictures of the Cathedral as well. Have fun, you might create something wonderful!

Fun fact: The arch is a sculpture of the Gate of Wishes by the academic sculptor Mladen Marinkov, and is one of the favourite spots for the citizens of Novi Sad.


You can’t go wrong when on the Quay. It’s a location that allows you to take photos of the Petrovaradin Fortress, you’ve seen these photos a million times. Maybe you could try something new. For instance, walk along the Quay and take pictures of the boats floating on the water or the dogs you see walking around with their owners. Let the Fortress rest a little.

Fun fact: Below the Monument to the Victims of the Raid, along the shore, stands the still-visible remnant of the Bridgehead, one of the Novi Sad landmarks that no longer exists.

The Petrovaradin Fortress

You can set aside an entire afternoon for this beauty, and you’ll definitely have a lot of material to choose from! Maybe you’ll even end up posting more than one photo on your Insta feed. Take pictures of the famous Clock from various angles, enjoy the golden hour and make sure you catch the sunset! And you can always take some pictures on the bridge, on your way back to the city.

Fun fact: Before it was a fortress, in the period of the Roman Empire, this spot used to be a lookout. With well-organised signalisation, a short message from these areas would arrive in Rome in only an hour and a half.

The Žeželj Bridge

We’ve seen the Žeželj Bridge quite a lot of times already, but that doesn’t mean we’re tired of it. No, the bridge is quite pretty and photogenic – just try to find your authentic spot. How about you take photos of it at the beginning of the bridge, so you can capture its magnificent hangers as well? Or you can set the camera in front of the bridge, and not take photos of it from the side as everyone else does? Watch the traffic, stay safe and enjoy!

Fun fact: The original Žeželj Bridge was destroyed during the bombing in 1999. The bridge bears the name of a man who designed it – Branko Žeželj.

Photo: Vladimir Veličković, Jelena Ivanović

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