Creative Children’s Workshops in Novi Sad
If you have kids, you know how challenging it is to find suitable activities for them that are not just a walk around the city or the park, activities that would pique their interest and engage them. With the first bouts of nice weather, we bring you some interesting suggestions for workshops for children in Novi Sad, where your little ones can learn something, have fun, play, and meet new friends. Follow the calendar on our website and our network of cultural stations, because they often organise creative workshops that will delight the little ones!
Creative workshops on Saturdays
Gallery of Matica Srpska
Every Saturday, creative workshops for children between 5 and 11 years of age are held in the Gallery of Matica Srpska. If your child aspires for art or you would like them to, they will surely enjoy a workshop with curators and museum educators, where they will learn interesting things about social and natural phenomena through art and play. This specifically means observing works of art during a tour around the Gallery, and then painting, drawing, sculpting, playing, writing stories, singing, and many other different ways for children to show creativity and have fun. The ticket costs 150 dinars, and since the number of participants is limited, you can reserve a spot via the electronic form on the workshop page. The April workshops are connected in various ways with the current exhibition Migrations in Art – Art of Migration, and all of them, as well as later current workshops, can be found on this page. And while the child is at the workshop, you can visit a permanent exhibition or one of the current exhibitions in this gallery.
In addition, the Matica Srpska Gallery opens its doors to the youngest visitors, so every Saturday there are concerts of classical music for babies (ages 0 to 4, at 11.30 a.m.) and children aged 5 to 11 years (at 12.30 p.m.).

Museum Playroom on Sundays
Museum of Vojvodina
This museum also offers great content that will introduce kids to permanent and thematic exhibitions, as well as topics from the general culture, important historical events and those related to religious dates, etc. The museum workshop is one such programme for children between 5 and 10 years of age, held on Sundays between 11 a.m. and 12.30 p.m., however, it is necessary to announce the visit by email to Admission to these workshops is free, and they consist of a theoretical part, aimed at acquiring knowledge, and a practical one, which involves mastering the techniques of artistic expression, creative writing, and other skills. In addition to the museum workshop, in the Museum of Vojvodina, the whole family can participate in the programmes ‘Where am I? Family Tree’, and ‘Where Am I? Family Coats of Arms’, which take place on Saturdays and cost 400 dinars per family of up to five members. Finally, we should not forget the Museum of Vojvodina Tiny Theatre, which makes short educational puppet shows inspired by objects and stories from the museum itself. Currently on the repertoire is the play Where Did the Helmet in My Grandmother’s Garden Come From. For information on reservations, visit the Museum of Vojvodina website.
Escape from the Museum
Museum of Vojvodina
In cooperation with the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture Foundation, the Museum of Vojvodina will host an educational game for the youngest every Monday from 4 April to 15 May, Escape from the Museum: Mythological Adventure, as part of the Schools of the Future programme. It is intended for children aged 9 to 15, and the game is created based on stories and objects from the past shown on a permanent display. Admission is free.
Edukativno-kreativne radionice za najmlađe
Spomen-zbirka Pavla Beljanskog
Ovaj mnogima najdraži novosadski muzej takođe je posvećen edukaciji i različitim edukativnim programima za različite grupe, pa se tu tako nalaze i oni za decu. Kako kažu u Spomen-zbirci Pavla Beljanskog, njihov je cilj da vrednosti kolekcije Pavla Beljanskog približe publici, a edukacija je zasnovana na interaktivnom principu. Deca tako mogu da se oprobaju u keramici, uče engleski ili otkrivaju svet zbirke Pavla Beljanskog kroz pitalice, rebuse i ukrštenice. Informišite se pravovremeno o odgovarajućim sadržajima i terminima na vebsajtu Spomen-zbirke Pavla Beljanskog.
Zenitov dečji klub
Knjižara Zenit Books
Knjižara koja je za kratko vreme osvojila srca Novosađana, nudi nešto i za najmlađe. Zenitov dečji klub odvija se svakog vikenda, i to subotom od 10 do 12 i nedeljom od 11 do 13 časova. Klub obuhvata radionice za decu od 3 do 12 godina na srpskom i engleskom jeziku, a akcenat je na razvijanju kreativnosti i motorike kroz igru. Roditelji vreme mogu da iskoriste u kafeu u knjižari. Ulaz je 200 dinara, a svi učesnici ostvaruju popust od 10% za dečje knjige. Na Fejsbuk stranici knjižare Zenit Books budite u toku s radionicama i kliknite „attend“ – ovo je posebno važno jer će Zenitov dečji klub praviti pauzu tokom predstojećih praznika, od 22. aprila do 3. maja.
Educational and Creative Workshops for the Youngest
Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection
This much-loved museum in Novi Sad is also dedicated to education and various educational programmes for different groups, including ones for kids. As they say in the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection, their goal is to bring the values of Pavle Beljanski’s collection closer to the public, and the education is based on the principle of interaction. In this way, children can try their hand at ceramics, learn English or discover the world of Pavle Beljanski’s collection through riddles, rebuses, and puzzles. Find out in advance about the workshop contents and dates on the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection website.
Zenit Kids’ Club
Zenit Books Bookstore
The bookstore which in a short time won the hearts of Novi Sad residents offers something for the youngest ones, too. Zenit Kids’ Club takes place every weekend, on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and on Sundays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The club includes workshops for children between 3 and 12 years in Serbian and English, and the emphasis is on developing creativity and motor skills through play. Parents can spend their time in the cafe or in the bookstore. Admission is 200 dinars, and all participants receive a 10% discount on children’s books. Stay up to date with the workshops and click ‘attend’ on the Zenit Books Facebook page – this is especially important because Zenit Kids’ Club will take a break during the upcoming holidays, from 22 April to 3 May.
Art in the Palm of Your Hand
Novi Sad Children’s Cultural Centre
A handful of various contents, from reading, through drawing, painting, sculpture, graphics, music, all the way to acting and modern circus, are offered to pre-schoolers and schoolchildren by the Novi Sad Children’s Cultural Centre. The workshops are led by professionals in the fields (graduate artists, actors, directors…), and since dates and other logistical information differ for each workshop, find out on the Novi Sad Children’s Cultural Centre website about those that interest your kids the most.
Music to My Ears
Children’s Cultural Centre Novi Sad
The Children’s Cultural Centre Novi Sad also offers various content, both for the younger kids and teenagers. Here, children from one and a half to seven years old can participate in a music workshop where they will develop musicality and the ability to actively listen, attend concerts, ballet performances and operas, learn about instruments, and sing, dance and draw, all under the guidance of a music pedagogue. Somewhat older children who like to sing are welcome in the Children’s City Choir of this cultural centre, young actors up to fourteen can participate in the theatre workshops, and something unique that Children’s Cultural Centre Novi Sad offers is a chess workshop led by a licensed chess coach and chess master candidate. Detailed information about the schedule can be found on the Children’s Cultural Centre Novi Sad website.
Author: Tihana Smiljanić
Photo: Jelena Ivanović, Promo